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* Add easy way to determine if the decryption failure is due to "DecryptionError: The sender has disabled encrypting to unverified devices." ([\#3167]( Contributed by @florianduros.
* Polls: expose end event id on poll model ([\#3160]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
* Polls: count undecryptable poll relations ([\#3163]( Contributed by @kerryarchibald.
* Fix spec compliance issue around encrypted `m.relates_to` ([\#3178](
* Fix reactions in threads sometimes causing stuck notifications ([\#3146]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24000. Contributed by @justjanne.
* Better type guard parseTopicContent ([\#3165]( Fixes matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#20177 and matrix-org/element-web-rageshakes#20178.
* Fix a bug where events in encrypted rooms would sometimes erroneously increment the total unread counter after being processed locally. ([\#3130]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#24448. Contributed by @Half-Shot.
* Stop the ICE disconnected timer on call terminate ([\#3147](
* Clear notifications when we can infer read status from receipts ([\#3139]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#23991.
* Messages sent out of order after one message fails ([\#3131]( Fixes vector-im/element-web#22885 and vector-im/element-web#18942. Contributed by @justjanne.