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Changes in synapse v0.30.0-rc1 (2018-05-23)

This version includes support for Privacy Notice agreement collection. More
details live at docs/privacy_policy_templates/

GDPR Support:

* ConsentResource to gather policy consent from users (PR #3213)
* Move RoomCreationHandler out of synapse.handlers.Handlers (PR #3225)
* Infrastructure for a server notices room (PR #3232)
* Send users a server notice about consent (PR #3236)
* Reject attempts to send event before privacy consent is given (PR #3257)
* Add a 'has_consented' template var to consent forms (PR #3262)
* Fix dependency on jinja2 (PR #3263)


* Cohort analytics (PR #3163, #3241, #3251)
* Add lxml to docker image for web previews (PR #3239) Thanks to @ptman!
* Add in flight request metrics (PR #3252)


* Remove unused `update_external_syncs` (PR #3233)
* Use stream rather depth ordering for push actions (PR #3212)
* Make purge_history operate on tokens (PR #3221)
* Don't support limitless pagination (PR #3265)

Bug Fixes:

* Fix logcontext resource usage tracking (PR #3258)
* Fix error in handling receipts (PR #3235)
* Stop the transaction cache caching failures (PR #3255)