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Synapse 1.99.0 is the first Synapse release under an AGPLv3.0 licence (with CLA to enable Element to sell AGPL
exceptions). You can read more about this here:


No significant changes since 1.99.0rc1.

- Add [config options]( to set the avatar and the topic of the server notices room, as well as the avatar of the server notices user. ([\#16679](
- Add config option [`email.notif_delay_before_mail`]( to tweak the delay before an email is sent following a notification. ([\#16696](
- Add new configuration option [`sentry.environment`]( for improved system monitoring. Contributed by @zeeshanrafiqrana. ([\#16738](
- Filter out rooms from the room directory being served to other homeservers when those rooms block that homeserver by their Access Control Lists. ([\#16759](

- Fix a long-standing bug where the signing keys generated by Synapse were world-readable. Contributed by Fabian Klemp. ([\#16740](
- Fix email verification redirection. Contributed by Fadhlan Ridhwanallah. ([\#16761](
- Fixed a bug that prevented users from being queried by display name if it contains non-ASCII characters. ([\#16767](
- Allow reactivate user without password with Admin API in some edge cases. ([\#16770](
- Adds the `recursion_depth` parameter to the response of the /relations endpoint if MSC3981 recursion is being performed. ([\#16775](

- Added version picker for Synapse documentation. Contributed by @Dmytro27Ind. ([\#16533](
- Clarify that `password_config.enabled: "only_for_reauth"` does not allow new logins to be created using password auth. ([\#16737](
- Remove value from header in configuration documentation for `refresh_token_lifetime`. ([\#16763](
- Add another custom statistics collection server to the documentation. Contributed by @loelkes. ([\#16769](

- Remove run-once workflow after adding the version picker to the documentation. ([\#9453](
- Update the implementation of [MSC2965]( (OIDC Provider discovery). ([\#16726](
- Move the rust stubs inline for better IDE integration. ([\#16757](
- Fix sample config doc CI. ([\#16758](
- Simplify event internal metadata class. ([\#16762](, [\#16780](
- Sign the published docker image using [cosign]( ([\#16774](
- Port `EventInternalMetadata` class to Rust. ([\#16782](

* Bump actions/setup-go from 4 to 5. ([\#16749](
* Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5. ([\#16748](
* Bump immutabledict from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0. ([\#16743](
* Bump isort from 5.12.0 to 5.13.0. ([\#16745](
* Bump isort from 5.13.0 to 5.13.1. ([\#16752](
* Bump pydantic from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2. ([\#16747](
* Bump ruff from 0.1.6 to 0.1.7. ([\#16746](
* Bump types-setuptools from to ([\#16744](